Quantum Insurance Group, Inc Blog: personal insurance
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Wednesday, November 29, 2017 There are several key times each year when people spend time shopping in stores and online for the perfect gifts for their loved ones, or themselves. While it is easy to get caught up in the fun of it all, it is important to remember that with increased purchasing comes heightened risk of theft. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 Anyone who has moved likely can tell you a tale or two about boxes packed at the last minute, perhaps when the moving truck was already parked out front: boxes where the contents of a cabinet got swept up in one fell swoop, never to be opened again, a perfect pre-move time capsule. READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Retiring? 5 Benefits Questions to Ask Before You Do
There’s a lot to be gained in retirement, including time for family, travel, hobbies or whatever the next chapter in your life may be. But for all you gain, you don’t want to lose anything that you value, including yo... READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 4, 2017 Technology has helped to changed auto theft in significant ways. Engine immobilizers, audible alarms and vehicle recovery systems have made cars harder to steal ans easier to recover. Today's thefts are often the product of opportunity, with would be thieves looking for unsuspecting drivers who leave their cars unattended. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 It's that time of year when you leave your home. Spring break, vacations and getaways. Whether you are in the sun in the tropics or hitting the slopes, you have to take precautions to ensure your home stays safe while you're away. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 30, 2017 Emergency rooms across the United States treats more bathroom injuries than lawnmower, chainsaw or ATV injuries. Every year bathroom injuries send over 400,000 people to the ER according to data from U.S. consumer product safety commission national electronic injury surveillance system. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 23, 2017 5 keys to a Successful Cruise Do you feel like taking a cruise? Plan for safety as well as fun. The rules for safety and security are the same on a cruise ship as they are on land. Use common sense and be alert. Take safety seriously. Pay attention during safety drills. READ MORE >>
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